Sunday, March 18, 2012

You can lose weight fast The Metabolic Diet - Fact or Fiction


                    This means putting ourselves in a state of denial and adhering to an eating regime that is usually unsustainable. Today advertisers spend billions to show, how to get and eat fast food, then spend millions trying to convince you that you lose weight quickly.They tell you that you can lose decades of fat build retention in thirty days if you buy their products. Many marketing for the loss of excess weight is to eat carbohydrates and proteins and the removal of concentrated meat from your diet. Perhaps we should all be vegetarians and just eat greens! It makes sense on a basic level, particularly when you look at our over eating, carbohydrate driven, fast food culture. But I personally have always thought there was something missing in the vegetarian ideal, but I never new what it was. That is, until I heard Dr. Donald Layman Discussion. According to Dr. Lay, recognized the world expert in the field of metabolic research, eating good proteins is not the problem - in fact the solution. The truth exposed by Layman is that North American's are not eating enough good protein - particularly at the right time of day! Layman states that belly fat is the most dangerous place to have excess weight, as it is a precursor to heart attacks and strokes. Usually people gain fat around their lives and their wives have the weight on the thighs. However both women and men are seeing their waistlines expand as they age. The average weight gain in both sexes, that a minimum of ten pounds per decade. That's ten pounds of fat every ten years! Take out a measuring tape and measure your waist. If your measurement + 35 \", more for a woman or 40 \" like a man, you\re in the danger zone. You need to reduce your waistline and melt the belly fat now. Your life could depend on it! In addition, as Dr.. Layman's research, he states that losing weight fast may actually cause you to become fatter.If you have slowly gained weight for a decade, you can not wait to fall in a few days. Here's an exercise, do the math with me to see what it would actually take to lose weight fast. Start with some basic measures like the one that a calorie (C), basal metabolic rate (BMR), muscle mass (LMM) and the activities of the Burn Rate (ABR) is. Do you really want to lose weight fast? Let's see?Calculate your LMM for your BMR x C then add your ABR. STOP - this is too complicated! We easily with some real numbers. If you eat a very lean, healthy diet (like a bird!) your calorie intake is about 1940 C for women and 2550 C for men. The truth is that many of us have gained an average of 10 pounds of fat per decade. So we are all eating far more than this minimal amount of calories per day! To lose weight fast, at the proposed rate of one pound per day - we need to burn an extra 3500 calories per day. To our destination, rapidly losing weight - 30 pounds in 30 days, we have to eat like birds and burn about 6,000 calories per day. This means we would need to do 4. 2 hours of intensive training a day on our normal activities and BMR average burning rate. I guess it is possible, but not probable. Losing weight is quickly highly unlikely and is probably dangerous! As a professional martial arts teacher for 35 years and running with long life, I\ve never seen someone do something like. Not even close! The truth is, even if you could lose weight this fast - the facts state that 99% percent of us would gain it all back - plus a couple of pounds! Even worse is we would create a Yo-Yo effect by losing a high percentage muscle tissue during the weight loss stage. Then when we get back the weight, would most of the excess fat, new. The yo-yo effect makes you fatter. So for all the suffering, self-discipline and self-denial you stand there in the end worse than if they never started. Discouraged? Don't be - I do know what does work. I know because I. I found a way to lose weight fast - a real loss of 9 lbs of fat and 2 1/2 inches off my waist in six weeks. All without exercise, hungry and superhuman discipline! I lose my belly fat to a proper nutrition and metabolism is not a sham or a fraud. In fact it may be the easiest, most effect plan you have ever tried. He has over 30 years of clinical research and is now the standard for effective weight loss - especially in the middle. Fasting, starving and living exclusively off salad are not necessary - in fact these diets work against your metabolic system and your long-term success to keep excess weight off. Dr. Layman says you can naturally raise your metabolism by making balanced proteins your friend. Eating earlier in the day and start losing the desire for carbohydrates and begin to control your insulin dosage. Your body will feel satisfied and energetic because your lean muscle tissue is being fed. Properly balanced protein to increase muscle mass and your basal metabolism rate, if you eat the right foods at the right time. If you eat the right balance of lean proteins in the morning, you will super charge your metabolic system and begin to rebuild your muscle mass.  In my opinion, it's a scam to say that you could lose 30lbs in 30 days! However, I do think you can lose weight fast - but a realistic goal is to lose 20 pounds of fat in about 90 days.This goal is not rocket science, but it is revolutionary. It's based on the metabolism work and research of Dr. Donald Layman, and it works like nothing you have seen before. The truth is, I have found it to be the most effective and real life plan to lose the weight that I have ever experienced. Do you want to lose weightbut still eat the foods you love? Click here to find out howto find out how. It is so easy an idiot could do it! Lose 9 pounds in 11 days with this revolutionary new product.



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