Android as one of the most popular operating system owned by google become a new trend today, with many advanced features such as android applications of GPS and other mobile applications. Web blogs are now able to be an android-based application so it can be easily accessed using smartphones that use the operating system android with medaftarkan AppsGeyser site. how? Follow the steps below:
- First visit AppsGeyser (
- Then click Create Now
- There are three options: Mobile Website, Website Widget Code, and Web Page Content
- Select Mobile webiste
- Inputkan Address Your Website URL column
- Also nputkan Application Name / Application Name / Name of the web you can also
- Refresh Time leave the default "0"
- Description Fill your website with a brief explanation
- Choose a category according to your webblog
- Then click Create
- You will be prompted to enter your email and password, and follow the instructions.
# Stage testing is to be given a download link by appsgeyser
Good luck.
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