Friday, December 2, 2011

Brands influence on the sale of Air Conditioner product.

Air Conditioning (AC) installed in the house that used to be one of the main keys to overcome the heat problem, let alone that live in hot places certainly coexist with air conditioner, be it a dual hose portable air conditioner, portable air conditioner and floor standing air conditioner that increasingly pamper today's society.
Based on some people's opinions they often confusion as to the Air Conditioner brands they should buy to get a cheap price with good quality. Many people choose brands products from LG and Panasonic, for whatever their reasons may be because a brand product or because it was familiar in the community. Whereas air conditioner technology now almost all been advanced only possible lack of promotion.

But can not be denied again demand for air conditioning (AC) is large enough in recent weeks. "The increase occurs because the weather is hot and the air temperature is less friendly.

AC types most sought-after, a magnitude up to a PK, with prices in the range of USD 3 million - Rp 3.5 million per unit, depending on the brand of air conditioner. Although not specify the quantity of products, according to their increase in sales of electronic products in general, especially the air conditioner is going on in society today.

Air Conditioner Hazards to Your Health Human Body.


Air Conditioning (AC) installed in the house that biasanye be one of the main keys to overcome the heat problem, but now it is sometimes dangerous to health. Based on some people's opinions, often using AC with uncontrolled be dangerous to health, including obesity and lead to sick building syndrome.

Here the effects of excessive use of air conditioning for health:

Spreaders of germs and fine dust

On a cold air conditioning in the claim as a medium of rapid spread of germs, with the same air stream that continues to circulate in the workplace. So you are advised to close the mouth using a mask when he was stricken with the flu, coughing and sneezing.

Tidal only that, AC also mentioned as a disseminator of dirt / dust fine (if not frequently cleaned), which can increase respiratory problems such as allergic rhinitis, inflammation of the nose, even more.

Many elderly people also complain of muscle pain if exposed to AC for a long time. The solution to this problem is covered in a thick blanket over the conditioner. This is to avoid the dust and also quite control the rate of cooling.

Nest of bacteria

Place water droplets so that the AC should be frequently cleaned micro-organisms such as bacteria can not breed. In addition, ventilation ducts need frequent checks. Generally it's a place to live mice and other germs.

Cause of obesity

AC even said to reduce the rate of metabolism, causing weight gain in humans.

Triggers syndrome

There is a new syndrome called sick building syndrome (sick building syndrome), which mostly occurs when the condition is not well conditioned and lead to a variety of hazards to health such as headache, irritation of the eyes, nose, or throat, dry or itchy skin and dizziness.

Instead, open a window at least over the weekend, drink more water at work can help in curing the problem.

Facts About asbsestos and its impact on human health

Maybe it's a lot of people who know about what it is asbestos. And the majority of construction workers already know about asbestos and the manufacture of asbestos materials because most used on the roof of the building. Asbestos is one of the building materials are not flammable and is often used as the roof of the building. But today it is known that asbestos can be a bad influence on health. Asbestos fibers are composed of very small and smooth so it is not visible to the eye and has a very mild nature. Adverse effects of asbestos is cancer 20 to 30 years later after the substance of asbestos inhaled by humans. Usually when demolition is due to inhalation of asbestos dust is very small and not visible to the eye. Today the use of asbestos has been banned for reasons of health. Most of the asbestos present is not found in the new building will however remain in the old building, diasarnkan using other materials that are not harmful asbestos is used as a substitute in their daily lives.